I often find myself writing scripts for Amazon EC2 that need to wait for the instance to become available. Instance availability, for me, is dictated when the ssh service becomes available. Lets create a simple script that will poll a ssh connection and wait until it can connect before letting the script continue.
~$ while ssh -o StrictHostKeyChecking=no -q -i myidentityfile.pem \
ubuntu@amazonec2publicdnsname.com true && test; \
do echo -n .; sleep 1; done
The above script tries to connect via ssh if it cannot connect it will echo a ‘.’ to the command line and sleep for 1 second before trying again. When you combine this with information from Eric Hammond’s EC2 blog (http://alestic.com) you will have a script that can launch an Amazon instance, wait for it to become available and connect to it.
# create the instance and capture the instance id echo "launching instance..."
instanceid=$(ec2-run-instances --key MyIdentityFile --availability-zone \
us-east-1c ami-bb709dd2 | egrep ^INSTANCE | cut -f2) echo " instanceid=$instanceid"
# wait for the instance to be fully operational
echo -n "waiting for instance to start running..."
while host=$(ec2-describe-instances "$instanceid" | egrep ^INSTANCE | \
cut -f4) && test -z $host; do echo -n .; sleep 1; done echo "" echo " host=$host"
echo -n "waiting for ssh connection to start..."
while ssh -o StrictHostKeyChecking=no -q -i MyIdentityFile.pem \
ubuntu@$host true && test; do echo -n .; sleep 1; done echo ""
With little modification to the above script you can have the Amazon instance install upgrades and reboot then begin polling to re-connect to the instance once it becomes available again. In the above script the ec2-describe-instances part is only used to get the host name of the machine. Even though Amazon EC2 is reporting the instance as running I find it to be unreliable in determining if the instances ssh service is running.