After maintaining several version of my own private AMI’s and, realizing what a pain maintenance was, I decided to find a better solution. There is a lot of great information on the net if your google-fu is good, but I decided to compile all the information I use into a couple scripts and describe each step in detail so others could understand, modify and use the scripts. The overriding goal is to allow the flexibility of launching and configuring remote Amazon EC2 instances in an non-interactive manner.
First lets make sure your Amazon tools are installed and configured correctly. You can verify they are installed correctly by running the command.
~$ ec2-describe-instances
If the amazon tools are install on your system correctly then it should output information describing your running instances. If you received any errors check your .bashrc file in your home directory and add the following lines to the end of the file (note: The install path and key values will be different on your system).
export PATH=$PATH:$HOME/AmazonEC2/ec2-api-tools-1.3-46266/bin
export JAVA_HOME=/usr/lib/jvm/java-6-sun
export EC2_CERT=~/.ec2/cert-XXXX***CHANGETOYOURKEY***XXXX.pem
export EC2_DEFAULT_PEM=~/.ec2/YourPemKeyFile.pem
export EC2_HOME=$HOME/AmazonEC2/ec2-api-tools-1.3-46266
Next download the zipped scripts at the end of this post and run the command below making sure you change the path to your .pem file. Also make sure your .pem file has it’s permissions set correctly otherwise the EC2 tools will barf with a message similar to ‘Permissions 0644 for ‘YourPemKeyFile.pem’ are too open. It is recommended that your private key files are NOT accessible by others.’’ Usually a ’‘chmod a-r YourPemKeyFile.pem’‘ will do the trick. Notice if you set the EC2_DEFAULT_PEM variable in your .bashrc then you do not need to specify the ‘-p’ option.
./ -p ./YourPath/YourPemKeyFile.pem -s 10
We’ll examine the scripts in more detail, but first lets get a general overview of what’s happening. The script file is running various EC2 commands from the Amazon tools to initialize and start a Amazon Machine Instance (AMI) along with creating a Elastic Block Storage (EBS) drive with 10GB that will be attached later. Once the script verifies the instance is up and running it will upload the script to the remote instance and execute it. The script updates the remote system installing the latest patches along with installing some basic software like Sun Java 6. The script will also attach, mount and format the EBS drive for future use by the remote instance. Described in Detail
Lets get a quick overview of some of the boilerplate scripting parts. The ‘while getopts’ loop is a nifty way of setting script variables based on options like ‘-p ARG’. You can have as many options as you like in any order plus the shift operation at the end of the loop will remove all the options so the standard $1 variable will be the first unmatched argument. We will use the $1 and $2 options later for assigning the scripts to run on the server. You can also look at the VERIFY_CMD_LINE() fuction which just sets some defaults for the different options.
while getopts ":p:a:z:s:?" Option
case $Option in
p ) pemkey=$OPTARG;;
a ) ami=$OPTARG;;
z ) avzone=$OPTARG;;
s ) ebssize=$OPTARG;;
exit 0;;
* ) echo ""
echo "Unimplemented option chosen."
shift $(($OPTIND - 1))
The script will choose some basic defaults to make it easy. If you do not specify a AMI id with ‘-a’ then the script will default to ‘ami-bb709dd2’ which is Ubuntu 9.10 32 bit small instance. If you do not specify the availability zone option with ‘-z’ then the script will default to ‘us-east-1c’. If you do not specify the ‘-s’ size option for EBS storage then no storage will be created.
Now onto the meat of the script which is the LAUNCH_BOX() function. We will break down each individual piece with a description for better understanding.
The script below uses the Amazon tools ‘ec2-run-instances’ to launch the instance. Then we parse the output results extracting the instance-id as a script variable for later use.
# create the instance and capture the instance id
echo "Launching instance..."
instanceid=$(ec2-run-instances --key $pemkeypair --availability-zone \
$avzone $ami | egrep ^INSTANCE | cut -f2)
if [ -z "$instanceid" ]; then
echo "ERROR: could not create instance";
echo "Launched with instanceid=$instanceid"
If the EBS size option was set with the ‘-s’ option then we will create a EBS volume instance utilizing the same technique as above. Then we parse the output results extracting the volume-id as a script variable for later use.
if [ -n "$ebssize" ]; then
echo "Creating EBS volume instance..."
volid=$(ec2-create-volume --availability-zone $avzone -s $ebssize \
| egrep ^VOLUME | cut -f2)
if [ -z "$instanceid" ]; then
echo "ERROR: could nt create EBS volume";
echo "Created volume with volid=$volid"
We will need to use the Amazon tools ec2-describe-instances command to verify the instance is up and running and to get the public DNS host as a script variable for later use. Notice we use a similar method as above, capturing the output for later use as a script variable, but with a slight modification. The script repeats in a loop polling the Amazon services. This is a nifty little trick I ran across on Eric Hammond’s blog where you can poll for instance availability. Once the instance is up and running and we have the host name then the script will continue.
# wait for the instance to be fully operational
echo -n "Waiting for instance to start running..."
while host=$(ec2-describe-instances "$instanceid" | egrep ^INSTANCE \
| cut -f4) && test -z $host; do echo -n .; sleep 1; done
echo ""
echo "Running with host=$host"
Using the ec2-describe-instances command to verify if an instance is up and running tends to be non-deterministic when deciding if the ssh process of the remote server is running. So we use the same scripting technique polling every 1 second until we can connect to the remote host using ssh.
echo -n "Verifying ssh connection to box..."
while ssh -o StrictHostKeyChecking=no -q -i $pemkey ubuntu@$host \
true && test; do echo -n .; sleep 1; done
echo ""
Next we sleep for 3 seconds as a precaution before connection and running scripts. Also if the ‘-s’ option was set we attach the EBS volume to the running instance under /dev/sdh. Later, the script will mount and format the EBS drive.
echo "Sleeping for 3s before accessing server"
sleep 3
if [ -n "$ebssize" ]; then
echo "Attaching EBS $volid to $instanceid"
attached=$(ec2-attach-volume -d /dev/sdh -i $instanceid $volid)
Once the remote instance is up and running and we have all the necessary information stored in script variables we can jump down to the end of the script and describe how we upload and execute scripts on the remote server.
You can specify a data file on the command line after the action script. This is a convenience method for uploading addition scripts or data files needed to configure your box. Notice you can do some nifty stuff by specifying a .zip file that will get extracted on the remote server via your custom action script later. This command uses the host variable from before in conjunction with secure copy (scp command) to upload the file over an ssh connection. We will also upload the action script using the same method if it was specified on the command line.
if [ -n "$datafile" ]; then
echo "uploading $datafile data file..."
scp -o StrictHostKeyChecking=no -i $pemkey $datafile ubuntu@$host:~
Once the action script and data file are uploaded and sitting on the remote server we will execute them using the ssh command. First we change the action script to make sure it is executable then we execute the remote script.
echo "connecting and running $actionscript script..."
ssh -o StrictHostKeyChecking=no -i $pemkey ubuntu@$host "chmod u+x ./$actionscript"
ssh -o StrictHostKeyChecking=no -i $pemkey ubuntu@$host "./$actionscript"
Once the remote script finishes executing we reboot the remote instance. You may remove or modify this line depending on your needs, but our script will run an upgrade to make sure the latest security patches are installed, which usually requires a reboot.
echo "rebooting instance..."
ec2-reboot-instances $instanceid
sleep 7
As a final option we wait for the instance to become available polling via ssh. Then we auto login so you may complete any manual steps if necessary.
echo -n "waiting for ssh connection to start..."
while ssh -o StrictHostKeyChecking=no -q -i $pemkey ubuntu@$host \
true && test; do echo -n .; sleep 1; done
echo ""
echo "sleeping for 3s before accessing server..."
sleep 3
echo "Connection to host $host..."
ssh -o StrictHostKeyChecking=no -q -i $pemkey ubuntu@$host
Thats the basics of the script which uses the Amazon tool commands to remotely (and unattended) create, run, and connect to a EC2 remote instance. Described in Detail
The script was upload and executed via the script. The idea is you should have different scripts depending on what type of box you wish to setup. I have examples for configuring a MySQL box, Cassandra box, Tomcat6, etc. If there is interest I’ll post the different scripts with explanations. The scripts shows how to install different applications while un-attended or in non-interactive mode.
The first export command sets the DEBIAN_FRONTEND property to noninteractive. The following echo commands add the ubuntu ec2 archives locations for updating and upgrading the remote instance. The command appends the “deb …” string to the end of the sources.list file, which is used by apt-get. Next we run update and upgrade to make sure we have the most up to date and secure system. This step is also required for refreshing the archive locations so later applications like Java 6 can be installed correctly.
export DEBIAN_FRONTEND=noninteractive
echo "deb karmic multiverse" \
| sudo -E tee -a /etc/apt/sources.list
echo "deb-src karmic multiverse" \
| sudo -E tee -a /etc/apt/sources.list
echo "deb karmic-updates multiverse" \
| sudo -E tee -a /etc/apt/sources.list
echo "deb-src karmic-updates multiverse" \
| sudo -E tee -a /etc/apt/sources.list
# run an update and upgarde
sudo -E apt-get update -y
sudo -E apt-get upgrade -y
Next we install the munin node software to help monitor the instance (note: you will still need to modify the main master munin server). We also make sure to install the munin plugin allowing us to track the “steal” CPU cycles for virtual instances.
# Install munin node to monitor this instance
sudo -E apt-get install -y munin-node
# Replace the Munin cpu plugin with one that recognizes "steal" CPU cycles
sudo -E curl -o /usr/share/munin/plugins/cpu \
sudo -E curl -o /usr/share/munin/plugins/ \
sudo -E /etc/init.d/munin-node restart
The Sun Java 6 install is a lot more tricky because we need to accept the license in non-interactive mode. This is performed by setting the debconf selection for the license to true. We then run the Sun java 6 install along with making sure we append the Java home location to our path.
# install java 6 runtime
echo "sun-java6-jdk shared/accepted-sun-dlj-v1-1 boolean true" \
| sudo -E debconf-set-selections
sudo -E apt-get install -y sun-java6-jdk
echo "export JAVA_HOME=/usr/lib/jvm/java-6-sun" | sudo -E tee -a ~/.bashrc
Last if the EBS drive /dev/sdh device was attached then we need to mount and format the drive. Here we format the drive using the xfs file system and mount it at the location /backupvol. This is useful for instances that have applications like MySQL and need a place storage that’s more robust than the free ephemeral drives.
# configure and mount the EBS drive if one was created.
if [ -e /dev/sdh ]; then
sudo -E apt-get install -y xfsprogs
sudo -E mkfs.xfs /dev/sdh
echo "/dev/sdh /backupvol xfs noatime 0 0" | sudo -E tee -a /etc/fstab
sudo -E mkdir -m 000 /backupvol
sudo -E mount /backupvol
I hope people find this post helpful. We use variations of these scripts in production at and find them extremely useful compared to creating and maintaining private AMI’s. The idea is that users will create their own variations of the script to configure their remote boxes, while should remain relatively unchanged. In a future post I’ll try to get our Cassandra script annotated so people can see how we easily create Cassandra clusters or add new nodes into existing clusters.
Amazon EC2 remote install script -